Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ten Pounds Of Shit In A Five Pound Bag

Dear Today,

I feel like poo. Not for any reason in particular. I just do.

I hate days like you, Today. I had so many plans for us....none of which were realized. But I can't blame you for that, Today. You started out with so much promise....I was going to get so much accomplished. You & I were going to be something else, Today...together we were going to turn this stanky ass life of mine around. But being the Queen of Procrastination is very demanding on one's schedule. There are so many important things to be watching tv, going for coffee & driving around in the boons, or trying to stream PunkRadioCast on my blog (which I still can't figure out...grrr).

Screw you were such a dissapointment. Oh, Today...don't cry. I know that there is nobody to blame but myself. My lazy, unmotivated, unproductive self. I'm sorry I yelled at you, Today; it's not your fault I wasted you away. I know you have to leave soon, but don't be mad at you when you go. I hope we look back on the time we have spent together fondly...perhaps in hindsight we can both appreciate the time we had simply because Today always looks better when it becomes Yesterday.

As our time together slowly comes to a close, I find myself thinking of Tomorrow. Maybe I will treat Tomorrow better than I treated you, Today. Don't be angry that Tomorrow gets all the just seems so shiny & new in comparison to the fading light you now posess. So full of promise & hope that it will hold more than the emptiness that consumed us.

We are both victims, Today....simply for being ourselves it seems. Let's cherish what little time we have left. Let's curl up in bed together with a good book, listen to some good tunes & hold eachother until Tomorrow steals in to take your place.

1 comment:

TS said...

I had a conversation like this once with Last Week.

LW did NOT take it well.

Next Week looks like they might be a problem, too.
