Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Maybe When We're Done With Endings This Can Begin

And so 2008 comes to a close. Well, it's been....interesting.

It's been a journey through the highest of highs, as well as the lowest of lows. There are memories I hope I'll never forget....and some that I wish I could.

There is one thing that I have found myself thinking about repeatedly lately, and that is how lucky I am. In my life I have been fortunate enough to meet some incredible people...and I am proud to call these fine folks my friends & family.

It's funny how hardship can make you appreciate the support systems in your life.

I know I'm not the most affectionate person...I don't hug as often as I should. I don't generally cuddle with people unless I'm really comfortable with them. Even then, from time to time I find myself feeling uncomfortable without having a real reason. Maybe I have intimacy issues. Well, I suppose we can just throw that one on top of my existing pile of issues.

I guess what I'm trying to say is how grateful I am. I love you guys...a whole crapload. I don't want to even imagine where or what I would be if I did not have you all in my life. Thanks for sticking it out with me...this year & the years previous too.

Hopefully I haven't pissed you all off too much this year so that we can make some fantastic new memories in 2009. Here's to the rest of this year, and all the best in the new one.

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